Shaffer publishes 1st of 7 in library management book series
Emotional Intelligence & Critical Thinking for Library Leaders shares strategies and tactics library leaders can learn to become better leaders. Based on a study he conducted on storied library leaders, he also incorporates other leading research from the field. Available from Amazon or Emerald Publishing.
ACRL Sustainability Cookbook
The Sustainable Library’s Cookbook from ACRL. In 2019, the American Library Association added sustainability to its Core Values of Librarianship to foster community awareness and engagement on climate change, resilience, environmental impact, and a sustainable future. The Sustainable Library’s Cookbook collects a series of engaging activities for academic libraries interested in implementing sustainability practices in three different areas:
Applying Sustainability Thinking and Development.
Teaching, Learning, and Research Services.
Community Engagement, Outreach, and Partnerships.
Available for purchase from Amazon or the American Library Association Bookstore.
Creating the Sustainable Public Library debuts
Creating the Sustainable Public Library: The Triple Bottom Line Approach from ABC CLIO's Libraries Unlimited and the USC Libraries' Center for Library Leadership & Management. The book discusses the economic, environmental, and social justice aspects of running a successful library or library system. Shaffer spent over two years researching best practices in Fortune 50 most admired companies and stalwart libraries in order to assemble the text. Available for purchase from Amazon or for check out from your local library.
Shaffer’s chapter published in Information Management Text
Shaffer’s chapter Sustainability: What Does It Mean for You and for Your Library? was published in his dissertation chair’s handbook, The Emerald Handbook of Modern Information Management as edited by James Matarazzo and Toby Pearlstein. Ms. Pearstein also served on Shaffer’s dissertation committee. Unfortunately, Dr. Matarazzo passed just after the handbook was published.